If, at any hearing upon a petition to settle the account of any guardian or limited guardian, it shall appear to the court that said guardian or limited guardian has not fully accounted or that said account should not be settled, the court may continue said hearing to a day certain and may cite the surety or sureties upon the bond of said guardian or limited guardian to appear upon the date fixed in said citation and show cause why the account should not be disapproved and judgment entered for any deficiency against said guardian or limited guardian and the surety or sureties upon his or her bond. Said citation shall be personally served upon said surety or sureties in the manner provided by law for the service of summons in civil actions and shall be served not less than twenty days previous to said hearing. At said hearing any interested party, including the surety so cited, shall have the right to introduce any evidence which shall be material to the matter before the court. If, at said hearing, the final account of said guardian or limited guardian shall not be approved and the court shall find that said guardian or limited guardian is indebted to the incapacitated person in any amount, said court may thereupon enter final judgment against said guardian or limited guardian and the surety or sureties upon his or her bond, which judgment shall be enforceable in the same manner and to the same extent as judgments in ordinary civil actions.
[ 1990 c 122 § 25; 1975 1st ex.s. c 95 § 22; 1965 c 145 § 11.92.056.]
Effective date—1990 c 122: See note following RCW 11.88.005.