(1) Upon the filing of any intermediate guardianship or limited guardianship account or report required by statute, or of any intermediate account or report required by court rule or order, the court shall enter an order settling the guardianship account or report with regard to any receipts, expenditures, and investments made and acts done by the guardian or limited guardian to the date of the interim report.
(2) Upon such account or report being filed, the court may, in its discretion, set a date for the hearing and require the service of the guardian's report or account and a notice of the hearing as provided in RCW 11.88.040 as now or hereafter amended or as specified by the court; and, in the event a hearing is ordered, the court may also appoint a guardian ad litem, whose duty it shall be to investigate the account or report of the guardian or limited guardian of the estate and to advise the court thereon at the hearing, in writing.
(3) At the hearing on or upon the court's review of the account or report of the guardian or limited guardian, if the court is satisfied that the actions of the guardian or limited guardian have been proper, and that the guardian or limited guardian has in all respects discharged his or her trust with relation to the receipts, expenditures, investments, and acts, then, in such event, the court shall enter an order approving such account or report.
(4) If a guardian or limited guardian fails to file the account or report or fails to appear at the hearing, the court shall enter an order for one or more of the following actions:
(a) Entering an order to show cause and requiring the guardian to appear at a show cause hearing. At the hearing the court may take action to protect the incapacitated person, including, but not limited to, removing the guardian or limited guardian pursuant to RCW 11.88.120 and appointing a successor;
(b) Directing the clerk to extend the letters, for good cause shown, for no more than ninety days, to permit the guardian to file his or her account or report;
(c) Requiring the completion of any approved guardianship training made available to the guardian by the court;
(d) Appointing a guardian ad litem subject to the requirements in RCW 11.88.090;
(e) Providing other and further relief the court deems just and equitable.
(5) If the court has appointed a guardian ad litem, the order shall be final and binding upon the incapacitated person, subject only to the right of appeal as upon a final order; provided that at the time of final account of said guardian or limited guardian or within one year after the incapacitated person attains his or her majority any such interim account may be challenged by the incapacitated person on the ground of fraud.
(6) The procedure established in this section for financial accounts by guardians or limited guardians of the estate shall apply to personal care reports filed by guardians or limited guardians of the person under RCW 11.92.043.
[ 2011 c 329 § 10; 1995 c 297 § 6; 1990 c 122 s 23; 1975 1st ex.s. c 95 s 21; 1965 c 145 s 11.92.050. Prior: 1943 c 29 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1943 s 1575-1.]
Effective date—1990 c 122: See note following RCW 11.88.005.