It shall be the duty of the guardian or limited guardian of an estate:
(1) To file within three months after the guardian's appointment a verified inventory of all the property of the incapacitated person which comes into the guardian's possession or knowledge, including a statement of all encumbrances, liens, and other secured charges on any item;
(2) To file annually, within ninety days after the anniversary date of the guardian's or limited guardian's appointment, and also within ninety days after termination of the appointment, unless the court for good cause orders a different deadline to file following termination, a written verified account of the administration for court approval, which account shall contain at least the following information:
(a) Identification of property of the guardianship estate as of the date of the last account or, in the case of the initial account, as of the date of inventory;
(b) Identification of all additional property received into the guardianship, including income by source;
(c) Identification of all expenditures made during the account period by major categories;
(d) Any adjustments to the guardianship estate required to establish its present fair market value, including gains or losses on sale or other disposition and any mortgages, deeds of trust or other encumbrances against the guardianship estate; and
(e) Identification of all property held in the guardianship estate as of the date of account, the assessed value of any real property and the guardian's estimate of the present fair market values of other property (including the basis on which such estimate is made), and the total net fair market value of the guardianship estate. In addition, immediately following such statement of present fair market value, the account shall set forth a statement of current amount of the guardian's bond and any other court-ordered protection for the security of the guardianship assets;
(3) The court in its discretion may allow reports at intervals of up to thirty-six months for estates with assets (exclusive of real property) having a value of not more than twice the homestead exemption. Notwithstanding contrary provisions of this section, the guardian or limited guardian of an estate need not file an annual report with the court if the funds of the guardianship are held for the benefit of a minor in a blocked account unless the guardian requests a withdrawal from such account, in which case the guardian shall provide a written verified account of the administration of the guardianship estate along with the guardian's petition for the withdrawal. The guardian or limited guardian shall report any substantial change in income or assets of the guardianship estate within thirty days of the occurrence of the change. A hearing shall be scheduled for court review and determination of provision for increased bond or other provision in accordance with RCW 11.88.100;
(4) All court orders approving accounts or reports filed by a guardian or limited guardian must contain a guardianship summary placed directly below the case caption or on a separate cover page in the following form, or a substantially similar form, containing the following information:
Date Guardian Appointed: | . . . . |
Due Date for Report and Accounting: | . . . . |
Date of Next Review: | . . . . |
Letters Expire On: | . . . . |
Bond Amount: | $. . . . |
Restricted Account: Agreements Required: | . . . . |
Incapacitated Person (IP) | Guardian of: [ ] Estate [ ] Person |
Name: | Name: |
Address: | Address: |
Phone: | Phone: |
Facsimile: | Facsimile: |
Standby Guardian | Address | Relation to IP |
Interested Parties | Address | Relation to IP |
(5) To protect and preserve the guardianship estate, to apply it as provided in this chapter, to account for it faithfully, to perform all of the duties required by law, and at the termination of the guardianship or limited guardianship, to deliver the assets of the incapacitated person to the persons entitled thereto. Except as provided to the contrary herein, the court may authorize a guardian or limited guardian to do anything that a trustee can do under the provisions of RCW 11.98.070 for a period not exceeding one year from the date of the order or for a period corresponding to the interval in which the guardian's or limited guardian's report is required to be filed by the court pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, whichever period is longer;
(6) To invest and reinvest the property of the incapacitated person in accordance with the rules applicable to investment of trust estates by trustees as provided in chapter 11.100 RCW, except that:
(a) No investments shall be made without prior order of the court in any property other than unconditional interest bearing obligations of this state or of the United States and in obligations the interest and principal of which are unconditionally guaranteed by the United States, and in share accounts or deposits which are insured by an agency of the United States government. Such prior order of the court may authorize specific investments, or, in the discretion of the court, may authorize the guardian or limited guardian to invest and reinvest as provided in chapter 11.100 RCW without further order of the court;
(b) If it is for the best interests of the incapacitated person that a specific property be used by the incapacitated person rather than sold and the proceeds invested, the court may so order;
(7) To apply to the court no later than the filing of the inventory for an order authorizing disbursements on behalf of the incapacitated person. However, the guardian or limited guardian of the estate, or the person, department, bureau, agency, or charitable organization having the care and custody of an incapacitated person, may apply to the court for an order directing the guardian or limited guardian of the estate to pay to the person, department, bureau, agency, or charitable organization having the care and custody of an incapacitated person, or if the guardian or limited guardian of the estate has the care and custody of the incapacitated person, directing the guardian or limited guardian of the estate to apply an amount weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, as the court may direct, to be expended in the care, maintenance, and education of the incapacitated person and of his or her dependents. In proper cases, the court may order payment of amounts directly to the incapacitated person for his or her maintenance or incidental expenses. The amounts authorized under this section may be decreased or increased from time to time by direction of the court. If payments are made to another under an order of the court, the guardian or limited guardian of the estate is not bound to see to the application thereof;
(8) To provide evidence of the guardian or limited guardian's successful completion of any standardized training video or web cast for guardians or limited guardians made available by the administrative office of the courts and the superior court when the guardian or limited guardian: (a) Was appointed prior to July 22, 2011; (b) is not a certified professional guardian or financial institution authorized under RCW 11.88.020; and (c) has not previously completed the requirements of RCW 11.88.020(3). The training video or web cast must be provided at no cost to the guardian or limited guardian. The superior court may, upon (i) petition by the guardian or limited guardian; or (ii) any other method as provided by local court rule: (A) For good cause, waive this requirement for guardians appointed prior to July 22, 2011. Good cause shall require evidence that the guardian already possesses the requisite knowledge to serve as a guardian without completing the training. When determining whether there is good cause to waive the training requirement, the court shall consider, among other facts, the length of time the guardian has been serving the incapacitated person; whether the guardian has timely filed all required reports with the court; whether the guardian is monitored by other state or local agencies; and whether there have been any allegations of abuse, neglect, or a breach of fiduciary duty against the guardian; or (B) extend the time period for completion of the training requirement for ninety days; and
(9) To provide evidence of the guardian or limited guardian's successful completion of any additional or updated training video or web cast offered by the administrative office of the courts and the superior court as is required at the discretion of the superior court unless the guardian or limited guardian is a certified professional guardian or financial institution authorized under RCW 11.88.020. The training video or web cast must be provided at no cost to the guardian or limited guardian.
[ 2011 c 329 § 9; 1991 c 289 § 10; 1990 c 122 § 20; 1985 c 30 § 9. Prior: 1984 c 149 § 12; 1979 c 32 § 2; 1977 ex.s. c 309 § 13; 1975 1st ex.s. c 95 § 20; 1965 c 145 § 11.92.040; prior: 1957 c 64 § 1; 1955 c 205 § 15; 1941 c 83 § 1; 1917 c 156 § 205; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 1575; prior: 1895 c 42 § 1; Code 1881 § 1614.]
Effective date—1990 c 122: See note following RCW 11.88.005.
Short title—Application—Purpose—Severability—1985 c 30:See RCW 11.02.900 through 11.02.903.
Severability—Effective dates—1984 c 149: See notes following RCW 11.02.005.
Severability—1977 ex.s. c 309: See note following RCW 11.88.005.
Compulsory school attendance law, duty to comply with: RCW 28A.225.010.
Disabled person, defined: RCW 11.88.010.