(1) Advance notice of the hearing on a petition for nonintervention powers referred to in RCW 11.68.011 is not required in those circumstances in which the court is required to grant nonintervention powers under RCW 11.68.011(2) (a) and (b).
(2) In all other cases, if the petitioner wishes to obtain nonintervention powers, the personal representative shall give notice of the petitioner's intention to apply to the court for nonintervention powers to all heirs, all beneficiaries of a gift under the decedent's will, and all persons who have requested, and who are entitled to, notice under RCW 11.28.240, except that:
(a) A person is not entitled to notice if the person has, in writing, either waived notice of the hearing or consented to the grant of nonintervention powers; and
(b) An heir who is not also a beneficiary of a gift under a will is not entitled to notice if the will has been probated and the time for contesting the validity of the will has expired.
(3) The notice required by this section must be either personally served or sent by regular mail at least ten days before the date of the hearing, and proof of mailing of the notice must be by affidavit filed in the cause. The notice must contain the decedent's name, the probate cause number, and the name and address of the personal representative, and must state in substance as follows:
(a) The personal representative has petitioned the superior court of the state of Washington for . . . . . county, for the entry of an order granting nonintervention powers and a hearing on that petition will be held on . . . . ., the . . . . . day of . . . . ., . . . ., at . . . . . o'clock, . . M.;
(b) The petition for an order granting nonintervention powers has been filed with the court;
(c) Following the entry by the court of an order granting nonintervention powers, the personal representative is entitled to administer and close the decedent's estate without further court intervention or supervision; and
(d) A person entitled to notice has the right to appear at the time of the hearing on the petition for an order granting nonintervention powers and to object to the granting of nonintervention powers to the personal representative.
(4) If notice is not required, or all persons entitled to notice have either waived notice of the hearing or consented to the entry of an order granting nonintervention powers as provided in this section, the court may hear the petition for an order granting nonintervention powers at any time.
[ 2021 c 140 § 4004; 1997 c 252 § 61.]
Application—2021 c 140 §§ 4003-4017, 4023, 4024, and 4026: See note following RCW 11.48.130.
Application—1997 c 252 §§ 1-73: See note following RCW 11.02.005.