If the personal representative fails to make such application, then any person claiming to be entitled to such performance under such contract, may present a petition setting forth the facts upon which such claim is predicated. Notice of hearing shall be in accordance with the provisions of *RCW 11.16.081.
[ 1965 c 145 § 11.60.020. Prior: 1917 c 156 § 189; RRS § 1559; prior: 1891 c 155 § 41; Code 1881 § 694; 1877 p 130 § 627; 1854 p 292 § 151.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 11.16.081 was repealed by 1969 c 70 § 5.
Actions for recovery of property and on contract: RCW 11.48.090.