(1) In administering a unitrust under this article, a fiduciary shall follow a unitrust policy adopted under RCW 11.104B.120(1) (a) or (b) or amended or replaced under RCW 11.104B.120(1)(b).
(2) A unitrust policy must provide:
(a) The unitrust rate or the method for determining the unitrust rate under RCW 11.104B.150;
(b) The method for determining the applicable value under RCW 11.104B.160; and
(c) The rules described in RCW 11.104B.150 through 11.104B.180, which apply in the administration of the unitrust, whether the rules are:
(i) Mandatory, as provided in RCW 11.104B.160(1) and 11.104B.170(1); or
(ii) Optional, as provided in RCW 11.104B.150, 11.104B.160(2), 11.104B.170(2), and 11.104B.180(1), to the extent the fiduciary elects to adopt those rules.
[ 2021 c 140 § 2305.]