Special permit required for excavation on private land

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  • (a) It shall be a violation of this subchapter for any person to excavate with the use of mechanical earth-moving equipment or by manual means an archaeological site for the purpose of collecting or removing archaeological specimens when such archaeological site is on private land, including privately owned submerged land, in the Territory, unless such person has first obtained a permit for such excavation issued by the State Historic Preservation Officer pursuant to this section.

  • (b) A permit may be issued under this section when:

    • (1) The applicant submits written authorization for the excavation from the owner of the land;

    • (2) The applicant furnishes satisfactory evidence of being qualified to perform such archaeological excavation by experience, training and knowledge as defined in this subchapter;

    • (3) The applicant submits a satisfactory plan of excavation for the archaeological site and states therein the method by which such excavation shall be undertaken; and

    • (4) The applicant agrees in writing that upon completion of the excavation, he will submit to the State Historic Preservation Office a complete report of the excavation, which shall contain relevant maps, documents, drawings, and photographs, together with a detailed description of the archaeological specimens removed as a result of such excavation. Failure to file the complete report shall be grounds for refusing the issuance of a future permit to such person.

  • (c) All archaeological specimens collected or removed from the archaeological site as a result of the excavation shall be maintained according to the conditions outlined in the permit.

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