Premises recovered by an owner in accordance with clause (1) or (2) of subsection (a) of section 840 of this title shall not thereafter be leased to or occupied by any tenant, lessee, or person other than the owner recovering possession of the same for his own personal use, unless notice in writing, by registered mail, is served upon the evicted tenant or tenants if his or their whereabouts be known, or if his or their whereabouts are unknown then by posting the notice on the premises involved, granting an optional resumption of tenancy at the same rental as theretofore which option shall expire unless accepted by the tenant or tenants in writing, by registered mail, within 30 days after service of the notice upon the evicted tenant or tenants. Any owner violating the provisions of this section shall be liable to each evicted tenant for double the amount of rent received from any new tenant or occupant, or $50, whichever is greater; and in addition shall be liable to each evicted tenant upon the resumption of tenancy in an amount equal to the damages suffered by the tenant as a result of the eviction and resumption of tenancy.