(a) The territorial limits of the town of Charlotte Amalie, Island of St. Thomas, are as follows:
- Starting at a point on the shore line at Crown Bay (see Harbor Chart U.S.C. & G.S. No. 933) due south of the Point on the main road from town to Nisky where the concrete culvert carrying the runoff water from John Dunkoe crosses this road, the line runs: due North for a distance of 2700 feet, thence turns east and runs in a straight line to the center of the first “hairpin” bend from town on the Solberg Road, thence in a straight line to first “hairpin” bend from town on the Louisenhoj Road, thence due East until it meets the eastern boundary line of Hospital Ground, thence in a southerly direction along this boundary line until the southeast boundary corner of Hospital Ground is reached, thence in a straight line to the point on the northern side of the road where the western boundary of Estate Thomas (Sugar Estate) crosses the Sugar Estate Road, thence in a Southeasterly direction along the northern side of said Sugar Estate Road to the intersection of the Sugar Estate Road and the Raphune Road, thence in a southwesterly direction along the eastern side of said Sugar Estate Road (Marionette Road) to the intersection of said road and the southern end of Long Bay Road (near corner of West Indian Company's Power Plant), thence in a Southwesterly direction along the entrance road to the West Indian Company's Dock to a point at the Northeasterly end of the Steel Sheet Pile Bulkhead, thence along the shoreline to the point of beginning.