(a) Unless supplied from other sources, the Commissioner shall prepare, print, and supply to all local registrars all blanks and forms used in registering, recording and preserving the returns, or in otherwise carrying out the purpose of this chapter; and shall prepare and issue such detailed instructions as may be required to procure the uniform observance of its provisions and the maintenance of a perfect system of registration; and no other blanks shall be used than those supplied by the registrar. He shall carefully examine the certificates received monthly from the local registrars, and if any such are incomplete or unsatisfactory, he shall require such information to be supplied as may be necessary to make the record complete and satisfactory.
(b) All physicians, midwives, informants, or undertakers, and all other persons having knowledge of the facts, are required to supply the same, upon a form provided by the registrar, in person, by mail or through the local registrars. No certificate of birth, death or foetal death after its acceptance by the local registrar for registration, and no other record made in pursuance of this chapter, shall be altered or changed in any respect otherwise than by amendments properly dated, signed and witnessed, and that the word “amended” be stamped and signed by the registrar on the face of the document.
(c) The Commissioner shall arrange, bind and permanently preserve the certificates in a systematic manner, and shall prepare and maintain a comprehensive and continuous card index of all births and deaths registered, said index to be arranged alphabetically, in the case of deaths by names of decedents, and in the case of births, by the names of the children.
(d) The Commissioner shall inform all local registrars what diseases are to be considered infectious, contagious, or communicable and dangerous to the public health, in order that when deaths occur from such diseases proper precautions may be taken to prevent their spread.
(e) If any cemetery company or association, or any church or historical society or association, or any other company, society, or association, or any individual, is in possession of any record of births or deaths which may be of value in establishing the genealogy of any resident of the Virgin Islands, such company, society, association or individual may file such record or a duly authenticated transcript thereof with the registrar, and it shall be the duty of the registrar to preserve such record or transcript and to make a record and index thereof in such form as to facilitate the finding of any information contained therein. The contents of such record and index shall be available to the public subject to any such reasonable conditions as the registrar may prescribe.