(a) Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall be stored in aboveground tanks out of doors, in underground tanks, in closed containers outside of buildings, in rooms of buildings meeting the requirements of Type A or Type B Inside Storage or Mixing Rooms, or in outside storage houses used exclusively for the storage and mixing of flammable liquids; storage inside buildings, not in Type A or B rooms, shall be in sealed containers or in approved safety cans of not more than 5 gallons capacity, and the aggregate capacity shall not exceed 25 gallons unless in a storage cabinet which may be utilized for storage of not over 50 gallons.
(b) Inside storage or mixing rooms, outside storage houses and storage cabinets shall conform to nationally recognized standard practice as specified in section 609 of this title.
(c) Class III flammable liquids shall be stored in aboveground tanks out of doors or within buildings, in underground tanks, in tanks in enclosures, in closed containers out of doors or within buildings, in rooms meeting the requirements of Type A or Type B Inside Storage or Mixing Rooms or in outside storage houses. Containers in buildings, other than sealed containers of not over 5 gallons capacity each, shall not exceed an aggregate quantity of 275 gallons, unless stored in Type A or B Inside Storage Rooms.
(d) Containers of flammable liquids stored outdoors shall be segregated by an open space of at least 10 feet from roadways, sidewalks and structures so as not to constitute an immediate life or property hazard in event of fire. Special attention should be given to routes of egress for building occupants, window and door openings, and combustible exterior walls, platforms, cornices, and roofs in securing the desired separation. Containers piled one upon the other shall be separated by dunnage sufficient to provide stability and to prevent excessive stress on container walls.
(e) Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall not be drawn from or dispensed into vessels or containers within a building except by means of a device drawing from the top of the tank or the container.