(a) Except in an emergency, every person planning to conduct any excavation or demolition operation shall inform the Notification Center of the intended excavation at least 2 business days, but not more than 14 calendar days prior to commencing that excavation.
(b) In addition to providing a clear description of the planned excavation area, when the excavation site cannot be clearly and adequately identified on the locate ticket, the excavator shall designate the route or area to be excavated by using white paint or other suitable means prior to the arrival of the locator.
(c) The Notification Center shall provide an Inquiry Identification Number to the person who informs the center pursuant to this section and shall promptly notify any member who has an Underground Facility in the area of the proposed excavation. An inquiry validation number is valid for 14 calendar days beginning two business days after notification of intent to excavate.
(d) A record of all notifications by excavators and Operators to the Notification Center must be maintained in accordance with applicable statutes. The records must be available for inspection by the excavator and any member, or their representative, during normal business hours and according to guidelines for inspection, as may be established by the Notification Centers.
(e) An excavator shall provide the following information to the Notification Center:
(1) The excavator’s name, mailing and physical address, telephone number and facsimile number, that of their employer if subcontracting and the project Operator.
(2) The nature and extent of the excavation or demolition, including, but not limited to, the type of work being done, the depth if known;
(3) Whether directional boring will be used;
(4) The start date and time; duration of the work; and
(5) The location of the work.
(f) For purposes of locating the work, the excavator shall supply the physical address for the property, closest road crossing, or intersection, or such other location identifier as required by the Notification Center.
(g) The Notification Center shall provide to the excavator a list of all Operators being notified of the intended notification at the time of the excavator’s notification.