(1) the name of the foreign limited partnership and, if different, the name under which it proposes to register and transact business in the Virgin Islands;
(2) the State and date of its formation;
(3) the name and address of any agent for service of process on the foreign limited partnership whom the foreign limited partnership elects to appoint; the agent must be an individual resident of the Virgin Islands, a domestic corporation, or a foreign corporation having a place of business in, and authorized to do business in the Virgin Islands;
(4) a statement that the Lieutenant Governor is appointed the agent of the foreign limited partnership for service of process if no agent has been appointed under paragraph (3) or, if appointed, the agent's authority has been revoked or if the agent cannot be found or served with the exercise of reasonable diligence;
(5) the address of the office required to be maintained in the state of its organization by the laws of that state or, if not so required, of the principal office of the foreign limited partnership;
(6) the name and business address of each general partner; and
(7) the address of the office at which is kept a list of the names and addresses of the limited partners and their capital contributions, together with an undertaking by the foreign limited partnership to keep those records until the foreign limited partnership's registration in the Virgin Islands is cancelled or withdrawn.