(a) It shall be unlawful for any person other than a licensed locksmith or the owner or tenant of the premises to open any lock for which a key or combination may have been lost; or to make repairs to, or change in, the mechanical adjustment or combination of any lock; or to make any original key or any other device or contraption to open a lock.
(b) Licensed keymakers shall be authorized to make duplicate keys only, and shall perform none of the other duties reserved for licensed locksmiths in subsection (a) of this section.
(c) Every licensed locksmith and keymaker shall keep a book in which the following information shall be entered:
(1) the name and address of every person ordering master keys, ordering keys by number, or ordering the opening of a locked item.
(2) the date and time such work was done.
Such book shall be open at all reasonable times for inspection by the Commissioner of Public Safety or his authorized designee.