(a) Records, findings, reports, and results of DNA testing, may be disclosed, upon written or electronic request, to the following persons for the following purposes:
(1) the court, the prosecution and the defense in a criminal proceeding pursuant to a written request on a form prescribed by the Director;
(2) the Department, the Virgin Islands Police Department, Bureau of Corrections, the Territorial Probation Office, to the Parole Board or to prosecuting officers within the Territory upon formal request in writing or electronically;
(3) territorial and federal criminal justice and law enforcement and prosecuting agencies, including forensic laboratories serving such agencies, for identification purposes in order to further official criminal investigations or prosecutions; except, that any DNA sample obtained directly from a person not otherwise required to submit a DNA sample under this chapter and delivered to the Director for comparison with DNA records in the Database must be obtained pursuant to a warrant;
(4) the FBI for storage and maintenance in CODIS;
(5) to comply with the statutory obligations required under federal law as a condition to obtaining federal grants or other funding; and
(6) to authorized persons or organizations, but excluding personal identifying information, only for the limited purpose of:
(A) advancing DNA analysis methods and supporting statistical interpretation of DNA analysis, including development of population databases; or
(B) assisting in the identification of human remains from mass disasters; and
(7) to territorial and other jurisdictions' law enforcement agencies for assisting the identification and recovery of missing persons.
(b) Except as provide in subsection (a), all records, findings, reports, and results of DNA testing performed on any person are confidential and may not be disclosed in any manner without the consent of the person whose DNA record is to be disclosed. The records, findings, reports and results may not to be released to insurance companies, employers or potential employers, health providers, employment screening or personnel companies, agencies, or services, private investigation services, and may not be disclosed in response to a subpoena or other compulsory legal process or warrant, or upon request or order of any agency, authority, division, office, corporation, partnership, or any other private or public entity or person, except that nothing contained in this subsection may prohibit disclosure in response to a subpoena issued on behalf of the person whose DNA record is to be disclosed or on behalf of a party in a civil proceeding where the subject of the DNA record has put the record in issue.