(a) The Virgin Islands Planning Board, heretofore established and attached to the Office of the Governor, is redesignated the Virgin Islands Historic Preservation Commission and is continued as an agency of the Government of the United States Virgin Islands, attached to the Department of Planning and Natural Resources.
(b) The Commission shall be composed of thirteen members: namely, the Commissioner of Planning and Natural Resources, who shall be a member ex officio and shall serve as Secretary of the board, and twelve other members appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Legislature, at least five of whom shall be citizens residing in the District of St. Thomas-St. John, and at least one of whom shall be a citizen residing on the Island of St. John, and at least five of whom shall be citizens residing in the District of St. Croix; provided, however, that not less than one member shall be a resident of the Historic District of Frederiksted. No member of the Commission shall be qualified to serve without the advice and consent of the Legislature.
(c) Six members of the Commission shall serve for a term of one year and six members shall serve for a term of two years. Each member shall serve until the appointment and qualification of his successor; Provided, however, the Governor shall submit the nominations of successors to the Legislature no later than 10 days after its first regular session convening in January of each year, or include the same in the call for the next special session succeeding the expiration of a member's term. No person shall be qualified to serve as a member of the Commission who is continued as such in violation of the provision of this subsection.
(d) There shall be within the Commission two Commission Committees; one such Committee shall consist of the members of the Commission who are residents of the District of St. Croix and may exercise the full authority of the Commission over all matters within the jurisdiction of the Commission pertaining solely to the District of St. Croix; and the other such Committee shall consist of the members of the Commission who are residents of the District of St. Thomas-St. John and may exercise the full authority of the Commission over all matters within the jurisdiction of the Commission pertaining to the District of St. Thomas-St. John. A quorum of each Commission Committee shall consist of four of its members. Each Committee shall annually elect one of its members to serve as its Chairman. Any matter presented to a Commission Committee which is not within the jurisdiction of such Committee shall be referred to the Commission. At the request of any three members of a Committee, any matter pending before such Committee may be referred to the Commission for appropriate action. No public hearing required pursuant to Title 29, chapter 3, of this Code or authorized by the Commission or a Commission Committee shall be held unless at least two members of the Commission are in attendance.
(e) The Commission shall elect annually one of its members to serve as its Chairman.
(f) The members may be removed by the Governor for cause.
(g) The Commission shall be responsible for promulgating rules and regulations necessary for the administration of the Frederiksted and Christiansted Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Revolving Fund established pursuant to Title 33, section 3095, Virgin Islands Code.
(h) In addition to the performance of its functions prescribed by law, the Commission shall perform such functions as the Governor may prescribe or as required by law.