(a) When the arrest is being made by an officer under the authority of a warrant, after information of the intention to make the arrest, if the person to be arrested either flees or forcibly resists, the officer may use all necessary means to effect the arrest.
(b) To make an arrest, a private person if the offense is a felony, and a peace officer in all cases, may break open the door or window of a house, after having demanded admittance and explained the purpose for which admittance is desired, if the person to be arrested is in such house or if the person making the arrest has reasonable grounds for believing him to be therein.
(c) Any person who has lawfully entered a house for the purpose of making an arrest may break open the door or window thereof if detained therein, when necessary for the purpose of liberating himself. An officer may do the same, when necessary for the purpose of liberating a person who, acting in his aid, lawfully entered for the purpose of making an arrest, and is detained therein.
(d) If a person arrested escapes or is rescued, the person from whose custody he escaped or was rescued may immediately pursue and retake him at any time and in any place within the Virgin Islands. To retake the person escaping or rescued, the person pursuing may break open an outer or inner door or window of a dwelling house, if after notice of his intention he is refused admittance.
(e) Any person making an arrest may orally summon as many persons as he deems necessary to aid him therein.