Recording will established or proved without the Territory

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Where real property situated within the Virgin Islands, or an interest therein, is devised or made subject to a power of disposition by a will in writing, subscribed by the testator, duly executed in conformity with the laws of the Virgin Islands or of the place where executed or of the testator's domicile, and established or admitted to probate without the Territory and filed or recorded in the proper office as prescribed by the laws of the State or foreign country where the will was established or probated, or if such real property is cast by descent through lack of a devise thereof or of a power of disposition thereof by such a will in writing, a copy of such will or of the record thereof and of letters testamentary granted thereon or of the record thereof and of the proofs or of the records thereof, or if the proofs are not on file or recorded in such office, of any statement on file or recorded in such office, of the substance of the proofs, or a copy of a petition for letters of administration or of the record thereof and of letters of administration granted thereon or of the record thereof, authenticated as prescribed in section 36 of this title, or if no proofs and no statement of the substance of the proofs be on file or recorded in such office, a copy of such will or of the record thereof, authenticated as prescribed in such section 36, may be recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds in the judicial division in which such real property is situated, except that where it appears that such will was executed without the Territory no copy of proofs or of the record thereof and no statement of the substance of such proofs or of the record thereof shall be required; and such record in the office of the recorder of deeds or an exemplified copy thereof shall be presumptive evidence of such will and of the execution thereof and of the letters testamentary granted thereon and of such petition for letters of administration and of the letters of administration granted thereon, in any action or special proceeding relating to such real property.

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