(a) The Commissioner shall develop an integrated plan to make fuller use of the Virgin Islands’ water resources, marine industries, and marine facilities to compete globally in the marine tourism industry and shall promote and advertise on a global scale marine tourism in the Virgin Islands.
(b) In developing and promoting marine tourism in the Virgin Islands the Commissioner shall:
(1) appoint or hire such qualified employees as fiscally practicable, whose primary role is the promotion, marketing, development, and implementation of programs for the advancement of sustainable marine tourism and marine-related activities on an international scale to attract more international Regattas, boat shows, yachting, sport fishing and marine-related industries;
(2) assess and evaluate new and ongoing programs and policies as they relate to the promotion of marine tourism and recreational boating activities and marine-related industries;
(3) prepare strategic plans for the promotion of sustainable marine tourism and the maximization of the economic, social, and environmental benefits from marine tourism and marine-related industries;
(4) establish programs and partnerships with public and private entities to develop and implement new policies, technology, strategies, relationships, and sources of funding for promoting and marketing sustainable marine tourism;
(5) develop innovative marketing tools, coordinate and participate in marketing efforts to enhance the competitiveness of Virgin Islands as a marine tourism destination through diversifying products and services, and uses of available resources;
(6) identify opportunities and support and encourage activities, including training programs for developing marine and coastal tourism, marketing, expansion of boating, boat building, outfitting and related industries and creating jobs in these industries;
(7) hold public meetings and forums and foster public understanding of, and involvement in marine tourism programs and activities, and promote the protection of environmental resources, and encourage the development of working waterfronts and the infrastructure necessary to sustain marine tourism and the marine industry and water-dependent uses of the marine and coastal waters;
(8) advise the Governor, government departments and agencies, and the Legislature on issues pertaining to developing, promoting, and marketing marine tourism and related marine industries; and
(9) engage in any other activities that are necessary or appropriate to accomplish purposes of this section.
(c) As used in this section, “marine tourism” means recreational activities that involve travel away from one’s place of residence which have as their focus the marine environment or the coastal waters, and “marine environment” means waters that are saline and tide affected.