General purposes, application

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  • (a) The purpose of this chapter is to promote public safety, health and general welfare through the establishment and enforcement of minimum standards of occupancy, sanitation, light and ventilation, and safety to life and property incident to the use and occupancy of places of residence.

  • (b) Application

    • (1) General—The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the maintenance of all dwellings, hotels, apartment houses, apartments and rooming houses; that is, to any building or part thereof used as a place of residence and shall include any appurtenances belonging thereto or usually enjoyed therewith.

      This chapter does not cover the occupancy or use of a building or structure or any portion thereof by persons harbored or detained to receive medical, charitable, or other care or treatment, or by persons involuntarily detained under legal restraint.
    • (2) Where existing dwellings are used for rental occupancy and do not meet the requirements of the Building Code with reference to sanitary facilities, light and ventilation, and minimum space requirements for habitable rooms, the owners shall be allowed three years to make the required rehabilitation in order to conform or to withdraw the dwelling from the rental market.

    • (3) In the case of existing buildings that are occupied and used by the owner exclusively for residential purposes, and which do not meet the requirements of the Building Code with reference to sanitary facilities, light and ventilation and minimum space requirements for habitable rooms, the owners will be allowed five years to make the required rehabilitation in order to conform to the requirements of the Building Code.

    • (4) The extension of time granted in paragraphs (2) and (3) in this section is not intended to relieve the owner from compliance with applicable sections of the Building Code.

    • (5) If through no fault of the owner, rehabilitation of structures as required in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this section is not possible, additional time may be granted to the owner upon application to the Commissioner.

    • (6) The requirements of this chapter shall not apply to owneroccupied dwellings located in rural areas having a floor area of less than 600 square feet.

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