(a) There is established in the Office of Libraries and Archives the United States Virgin Islands Archives Council. The Archives Council shall be comprised of twelve members consisting of the Attorney General, the Commissioner of Education, the Commissioner of Finance, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Lieutenant Governor, the President of the University of the Virgin Islands, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the Territorial Librarian, all of whom shall serve as members ex officio and without compensation. Any ex officio member may, with the approval of the Governor, designate another person to represent him on the Archives Council. In addition to the ex officio members, the Governor shall appoint four other members to the Archives Council, who shall not be Government officers or employees, for four-year terms, two members who are residents of the District of St. Thomas-St. John and two members who are residents of the District of St. Croix; provided, that of the members first appointed, one member from each District shall be appointed for a two-year term and one member from each shall be appointed for a four-year term, as determined by the Governor. Appointed members shall receive a per diem of $30 for each day or part thereof spent in attending meetings of the Archives Council, plus actual travel expenses incurred thereby. The Governor shall select one of the members to serve as Chairman of the Archives Council, to serve in such capacity at the pleasure of the Governor.
(b) The Archives Council shall review the standards, regulations and procedures developed by the Archivist in order to effectuate the provisions of sections 28f through 28h of this chapter, and shall make such recommendations to the Governor with respect thereto or with respect to any other matters affecting the archives.