The Virgin Islands Historic Preservation Commission is authorized to prepare from time to time, after due notice and public hearings, for submission to the Legislature and the Governor for approval, an inventory, to be known as the “Virgin Islands Registry of Historic Buildings, Sites, and Places”, of all buildings, sites, features, landmarks, areas, and districts in the Virgin Islands, which, after consultation with specialists and experts in the protection and preservation of historic buildings, sites, and places, are determined worthy of recordation and preservation. The Registry shall be prepared in such a manner as to be consistent with the national Register. The Registry shall include such items as the following: houses, warehouses, commercial structures, government buildings, forts and fortifications, churches and synagogues, cemeteries, squares, monuments, naval and nautical features, selected street facades, ruins, markets, birthplaces, parks and open squares, walls and retaining walls, stairways, steps, towers.