(a) The provisions of this chapter shall be administered uniformly throughout the Virgin Islands by an administrator under the general supervision of the board of the Worker's Compensation Administration. The administrator assigned to administer this chapter shall devote his full time to such duties, and in the name of the board, shall have the power to compile a register of employers affected by this chapter for that purpose; to inspect and examine places of employment, receive claims in writing, to notarize claims and other pertinent documents filed with the Board of the WCA, to prescribe rules and regulations, make studies of safety devices and to issue safety orders to employers, and to bring suit on behalf of the board or in the name and on the behalf of any beneficiary.
(b) An Administrative Law Judge appointed by the board of the Worker's Compensation Administration shall be authorized to demand all pertinent information and relevant documents filed with the board, issue subpoenas, compel attendance of witnesses, take testimony, rule on questions of evidence, regulate the course of proceedings and make determinations of fact.
(c) Proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge shall be according to such rules as he shall prescribe. Parties shall have the right to be represented by counsel. The board of the Worker's Compensation Administration shall approve the fee for attorneys appearing for employees.
(d) Orders of the Administrative Law Judge shall be served by personal delivery or by registered mail. Any person aggrieved by a final order of the Administrative Law Judge may obtain a review of the order by filing a written petition with the board or any court of competent jurisdiction in the Virgin Islands within thirty (30) days after its issuance. The findings of the Administrative Law Judge as to facts, if supported by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive. Upon application of the administrator or any beneficiary, any court of competent jurisdiction shall enforce obedience to the orders of the Administrative Law Judge.