(a) At any time after the filing of a delinquency or person in need of supervision complaint and before the entry of an adjudication order, the court may, on motion of the Attorney General or of counsel for the child, suspend the proceedings and place the child under supervision in the community, under terms and conditions negotiated with the Youth Services Administration and agreed to by the Attorney General and the child. The court's order continuing the child under supervision shall be known as a consent decree.
(b) Where the child objects to a consent decree, the court shall proceed to findings, adjudication and disposition. Where the child does not object, but an objection is made by the Attorney General, the court shall, after considering the objections and reasons therefor, proceed to determine whether it is appropriate to enter a consent decree.
(c) A consent decree shall remain in force for six (6) months, unless the child is discharged sooner by the Youth Services Administration. Upon application of the Youth Services Administration or other agency supervising the child, made before expiration of the 6-month period, a consent decree may be extended by the court for an additional six months.
(d) If prior to discharge by the Youth Services Administration or expiration of the consent decree, a new delinquency or person in need of supervision complaint is filed against the child, or the Youth Services Administration determines the child otherwise fails to fulfill express terms and conditions of the decree, the complaint under which the child was continued under supervision may, in the discretion of the Attorney General, be reinstated and the child held accountable just as if the decree had never been entered.
(e) A child who is discharged by the Youth Services Administration, or who completes a period of continuance under supervision without reinstatement of the original delinquency complaint or person in need of supervision complaint, shall not again be proceeded against in any court for the same offense alleged in the complaint.