(a) All purchases and contracts for supplies or services and equipment, except for personal services, made by the Corporation or the respective District Boards, including contracts for facilities of the Corporation, shall be made after advertisement for bids sufficiently in advance of opening bids for the Corporation or the respective District Boards to secure appropriate notice and opportunity for competition; but if the expense estimated to be necessary in connection with the purchase or work does not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) or the purchase or contract is for medicine, hospital, laboratory, surgical equipment and supplies in accordance with the provisions of Title 31, Virgin Islands Code, section 239(a)(5), the purchase or work may be carried out without advertisement for bids. Advertisement for bids shall not be required, however, when
(1) an emergency requires immediate delivery of the materials, supplies, equipment, or performance of the services; or
(2) repair parts, accessories, or supplemental equipment or services are required for supplies or service previously furnished or contracted for; or
(3) professional, financial, including financial planning, or other expert services or work are required and the District Board considers it in the best interest of good administration that contracts therefor be made without such advertisement; or
(4) prices are noncompetitive because there is only one source of supply or because regulated under law; in such case the purchase of such materials, supplies, or equipment, or procurement of such services, may be made in the open market in the manner usual in commercial practice.
(b) In the comparison of bids and the making of awards, in addition to consideration of whether the bidder has complied with the specifications, due consideration shall be given to such factors as the bidder's ability to perform construction work of the kind involved in the construction contract under consideration, the relative quality and adaptability of materials, supplies, equipment or services; and the time of delivery or performance offered.
(c) Within 90 days after the enactment of this section, the Corporation shall adopt and have in place rules and regulations for the submission of bids.
(d) Advertisement for bids must be published through electronic media or in newspapers of general circulation in the Virgin Islands.