(a) The Virgin Islands Board of Education has authority and jurisdiction to—
(1) recommend the establishment of public schools; prescribe general regulations and orders; adopt curricula and courses of study; recommend laws and amendments; recommend appropriations required for the operation of the public schools and the Department of Education; and in general to do anything necessary for the proper establishment, maintenance, management, and operation of the public schools of the Virgin Islands;
(2) cooperate with the Office of Education, within the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare, in the administration of all Acts of Congress relating to general education, and administer all provisions of this Code relating thereto, as well as any other legislation pursuant thereto enacted by the Legislature;
(3) approve plans for cooperating with the Federal Government in carrying out any or all phases of the educational program in which it may find cooperation to be desirable;
(4) provide for the proper administration of funds which may be appropriated by Congress and apportioned to the Virgin Islands for any and all educational purposes;
(5) approve or disapprove, subject to the final approval of the Governor, the recommendations made by the Commissioner of Education to the administrator of the Personnel Merit System, under section 121 of this title, with respect to the qualifications of teachers, librarians, supervisors, and other professional personnel of the Department;
(6) approve or disapprove, subject to the final approval of the Governor, the rules and regulations proposed by the Commissioner of Education, under section 121 of this title, for the certification, selection, determination of salaries (subject to Schedule III in section 551 of Title 3), and appointment of teachers, librarians, supervisors, and other professional personnel of the Department;
(7) do all things necessary to entitle the Virgin Islands to receive the benefits of all funds appropriated to the Virgin Islands under the Acts of Congress referred to in this section;
(8) bring court proceedings for enforcement of rights and the collection of accounts, and to this end may contract for such personal services as are deemed necessary by the Board;
(9) promulgate rules and regulations for the certification of all elementary, secondary and post secondary educational institutions; and
(10) prepare the budget for the Board for submission to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
(b) The Board shall perform such other functions as may be prescribed or required by local or Federal law.