(a) There is established a special fund in the Treasury of the Virgin Islands known as the Animal Abuse Fund, referred to as the “Fund”. The Commissioner of Finance shall provide for the administration of the Fund as a separate fund in the Treasury of the Virgin Islands.
(b) The Fund consists of all sums appropriated thereto from time to time by the Legislature of the Virgin Islands, all fines collected under sections 181, 182, 183 and 184 of this chapter, and such other monies, grants, contributions, gifts and bequests, federal or local, as may be made thereto that the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to accept and deposit therein.
(c) There is appropriated from the General Fund in each fiscal year, a sum of not less than $100,000 to be deposited into the Fund for the purpose of implementing the provisions of this chapter.
(d) Monies in the Fund must be used solely for the purposes stated in this subsection and for no other purpose. The Commissioner of Finance shall disburse monies from the Fund solely for non-reimbursed expenses incurred by a Humane Society, Animal Shelter, licensed veterinarian, or animal impound pursuant to this chapter, and expenses for cruelty prevention or education programs.
(e) The Commissioner of Finance shall maintain a record of all monies deposited into and disbursed from the Fund and shall annually report to the Governor and the Legislature on the status of the Fund.