Homes for aged and destitute persons

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  • (a) Homes for aged and destitute persons shall be under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Human Services, who shall be responsible for their proper management and operation.

  • (b) The homes shall receive such persons as may be committed to them by the Commissioner and shall institutionalize such persons for such time as the Commissioner deems necessary or desirable.

  • (c) The Commissioner of Human Services shall determine the policies governing the management and operation of the homes for aged and destitute persons and governing the admission and discharge of residents thereof.

  • (d) The Commissioner shall require the payment of the actual cost of maintaining residents of such homes in instances where the residents thereof or relatives responsible by law for their support are financially able to make such payment; Provided, That the amount of payment required shall be reduced, if necessary, to an amount within the ability of the resident or his relatives to pay. The Commissioner may also accept contributions towards the cost of maintaining residents of such homes from residents thereof or their relatives or friends.

  • (e) There is hereby created and established within the Treasury of the Virgin Islands a special fund to be known and designated as the “Homes for the Aged Special Revolving Fund” (hereinafter referred to in this section as the “Fund”). The Commissioner of Finance is directed to maintain and provide for the administration of the Fund as a separate and distinct fund within the Treasury, and no funds therein shall be available for disbursement or expenditure except as provided for in this section.

  • (f) The Fund shall consist of:

    • (1) all sums appropriated thereto from time to time by the Legislature;

    • (2) payments and contributions received pursuant to the provisions of subsection (d) of this section; and

    • (3) gifts and bequests of monies made thereto.

  • (g) Monies shall be disbursed from the Fund by the Commissioner of Finance, upon the authorization and direction of the Commissioner, for the purpose of maintaining and operating the homes and may be utilized to purchase equipment therefor; Provided, however, That monies from gifts or bequests may be expended only in accordance with any instructions or directions associated therewith. All monies in the Fund shall remain available in the Fund until expended without fiscal year limitation.

  • (h) The Commissioner may also accept on behalf of the Government of the United States Virgin Islands gifts, devises and bequests of property, real or personal, other than gifts or bequests of monies, for the operation, maintenance, improvement or benefit of the homes. All property so accepted shall be devoted for the purposes for which they are donated, under the direction of the Commissioner.

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