(a) The Council consists of 16 voting members who are Virgin Islands residents and appointed in accordance with this subsection. In appointing members, the appointing authorities shall consider geographic distribution. All youth and legislative appointments must be made within 60 days after the convening of each new Legislature.
(b) All appointments are for the duration of the legislative term for which the members are appointed and expire upon the convening of the next Legislature.
(c) The appointing authorities shall select youth members from youths recommended by principals, guidance counselors or administrative heads of secondary or postsecondary school systems, representatives of equivalent instruction programs or other organizations having an interest in youth activities.
(d) Members may be reappointed to subsequent terms on the Council as long as they are eligible at the time of their reappointment.
(e) The Selection Committee shall appoint the following 20 members:
(1) Sixteen youths who have attained 14 years of age but not older than 23 years of age, and who are enrolled in programs that lead to a secondary school diploma or certificate of attendance or a general equivalency diploma, or enrolled at a postsecondary educational institutions located in the Virgin Islands with 8 being from the St. Croix District and 8 from the St. Thomas/St. John District provided that at least one member is a resident of the island of St. John; and
(2) Four members of the Legislature to serve as non-voting ex officio members.
(f) Chairs. There is a legislative chair and a youth chair of the Council. The members shall elect one of their youth members to serve as the youth chair.
(g) Tie or Split Vote. In the event of a tie or split vote, the non-voting ex officio members of the Legislature, excluding the legislative chair, shall serve as the tie-breaker.