(1) The term “applicant” means any person who applies for compensation under the provisions of this chapter.
(2) The term “child” means an unmarried person who is under eighteen years of age and includes a stepchild or an adopted child.
(3) The term “Commission” means the Virgin Islands Criminal Victims Compensation Commission created and established by Section 375a of Title 3 of this Code.
(4) The term “dependents” means such relatives of a deceased victim as were dependent upon his income at the time of his death, or would have been so dependent but for the incapacity due to the injury from which death resulted, and shall include the child of such victim born after his death.
(5) The term “Executive Secretary” means the Executive Secretary of the Commission.
(6) The term “offender” means any person accused, indicted, or convicted of the criminal offense which was the alleged cause of the injury or death for which compensation is sought under the provisions of this chapter.
(7) The terms “personal injury” and “injury” mean actual bodily harm, and include pregnancy and psychological or emotional trauma.
(8) The term “victim” means any person, regardless of the residence of such victim, who is injured or killed in the United States Virgin Islands, or a resident of the United States Virgin Islands, who is injured or killed by an act of terrorism as defined in Section 2331 of Title 18, United States Code, committed outside of the United States.
(9) Resident means a person who maintains a place of permanent abode in the U.S. Virgin Islands.