The purpose of the provisions of this chapter is to establish a program of public compensation to innocent victims of certain criminal offenses, to the persons injured or killed while attempting to prevent the commission of criminal offenses or to apprehend suspected offenders, and to families of such victims or persons for personal injuries or deaths resulting from the commission of such offenses. This purpose is a reflection of the recognition by the Legislature of the Virgin Islands that many criminal offenses result from social and economic diseases of the community, while many others result from the temporary and permanent mental and emotional aberrations of the offender, and still others are perpetrated by the asocial and the socially immature and immoral, all of which are beyond the control of most victims of crimes. The Legislature is further cognizant of the social need to enlist and encourage the cooperation of the public in preventing crimes and in capturing criminals and to compensate any person who is injured while attempting to prevent a crime or apprehend a criminal. With this recognition as a base, the Legislature determines and declares, as a matter of public policy, that no innocent victim of any criminal offense covered by this chapter, no person injured while fulfilling his public duty in attempting to prevent a crime or to apprehend a criminal, and no family of any such victim or person shall be constrained to bear the financial burden of resulting personal injury or death, and that the Government of the people of the Virgin Islands shall compensate any such victim or person or family for the loss resulting from such injury or death.