Disabled Persons Special Fund

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There is hereby established in the Treasury of the Virgin Islands a special fund to be known as the “Disabled Persons Special Fund” (hereinafter referred to in this section as the “Fund”). Into this Fund shall be deposited the sums referred to in the proviso clause contained in (i) of paragraph (11) of subsection (a), section 246, Title 32, Virgin Islands Code of which not more than 15 percent may be used for administrative costs of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled Persons Program, and not more than 25 percent of any unused portion of an allotment to finance critical priorities within the Department's Division of Adult Protective Services including, the Homes for the Aged, Homemaker Services, Family Caregiver Support Program, emergency residential placements, and emergency funding for elderly and disabled persons. All payments made from this Fund shall be made for the benefit of disabled persons at the discretion of the Commissioner of Human Services. Payments made to any individual disabled person or his or her family on such person's behalf from this Fund shall not exceed $20,000 per annum.

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