General powers and duties of the Board

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  • The Board shall:
    • (a) adopt such rules, statements of policy, procedures, forms and guidelines as may be necessary for the implementation of this subchapter, including the encouragement of incubators in economically distressed areas such as territorially and federally designated enterprise zones;

    • (b) Make loans and loan guarantees or grants or a combination of loans and grants to local sponsors for incubators and award seed capital challenge grants and, in the sole discretion of the board, provide for the conversion of any liens issued on or after November 1, 1985, into grants or into a combination of grants and loans.

    • (c) Ensure that local sponsors receiving loans or loan guarantees and recipients of grants meet the conditions of this subchapter.

    • (d) Receive and evaluate annual reports from local sponsors. The annual reports must include, but not be limited to, a financial statement for the incubator, evidence that all tenants in the facility are eligible under the terms of the legislation and a list of companies in the incubator.

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