(a) All members of the Bureau, including those on loan from other local government departments or agencies, are accountable to and under the direct control and supervision of the Director. All performance ratings for the members of the Bureau must be completed by the Director, and reviewed and approved by the Board before considered final. The Director is responsible for creating regulations, subject to the Board's approval, to effectuate the purposes of the Bureau, not later than 60 days after his selection, which must be reviewed annually, and if needed, revised to insure the continued effective operations of the Bureau.
(b) All members of the Bureau on leave from any other government departments or agencies do not lose their respective ranks and service seniority with those departments and agencies and shall accrue service seniority commensurate with their tenure with the Bureau, in addition to being entitled to take any promotional examinations that is administered to those departments' or agencies' employees during the Agents' tenure with the Bureau. Upon their successfully completing such examination, the Agents must be granted the same promotional consideration as the employees of the other departments or agencies involved in law enforcement. Likewise, the members are entitled to the same retirement benefits as police officers and other law enforcement officers of equal ranks of the V.I. Police Department.
(c) The members of the Bureau are entitled to all present and future salary increases and all other present and future employment benefits that they would have received with the department or agency they were employed with immediately prior to their transfer to the Bureau, had they not been on leave from such department or agency to become a member of the Bureau; however, in no event may a member of the Bureau earn less than $30,000 per year, and the Director of the Division of Personnel, after consultation and agreement with the Director, shall develop a pay scale for compensation above the entry level salary for members of the Bureau in addition to secretarial, investigative and clerical personnel.
(d) Those agents who are members on leave from another department or agency shall have their salaries paid by said departments or agencies as certified by the Board.
(e) Officers from the Virgin Islands Police Department or other law enforcement agencies must be freely granted favorable consideration by the Police Commissioner on their request for transfer or leave of absence to join the Bureau, but such transfer is subject to the Governor's approval.
(f) An employee loaned, transferred, or temporarily assigned to the Bureau may not be recalled or otherwise severed from the Bureau without the prior written consent of the Governor.