Governor's symbol of office

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  • (a) The President of the Legislature is hereby authorized to cause to be prepared a symbol of office for the Governor of the Virgin Islands. The symbol shall be a chain of ribbon and metal designed to be worn over the shoulder. There shall be seven gold circular shields and each shield shall be embossed with the flag or standard of each nation that has held sovereignty over the people of the Virgin Islands. These shields shall culminate in a large “V.I.” on a golden plate, having at its base three pearls symbolizing the three major islands of the Virgin Islands and the date of the inauguration of the first elected Governor of the Virgin Islands. This symbol of office shall be presented to the Governor at the time of his inauguration.

  • (b) During his term of office, the Governor of the Virgin Islands shall be the custodian of the Governor's Symbol of Office and he may wear the symbol on such ceremonial occasions, both within and without the Virgin Islands, as he deems appropriate. At least 48 hours prior to the inauguration of each new governor of the Virgin Islands, the incumbent governor shall return the Symbol of Office to the President of the Legislature. Upon retirement from office each Governor shall be given by the President of the Legislature a memento of the Governor's tenure in office. The memento shall be a gold shield with a blue shoulder piece with the Governor's name and the dates of his service as Governor. Upon presentation the memento shall become the personal property of the Governor.

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