(1) “Area of Operation” or “Enterprise Zone” means the total area within the Territory that has been declared an enterprise zone as designated by law or pursuant to a proclamation or executive order issued by the Governor, which proclamation or order shall include a detailed legal description of the additional area to be included in the specific Area of Operation or Enterprise Zone. The Area of Operation or Enterprise Zone includes areas that have been so designated prior to the effective date of this legislation.
(2) “Blighted Area” means that portion of an Enterprise Zone that is determined by the Enterprise Zone Commission to be a social or an economic liability to such Enterprise Zone because of one or more of the following conditions:
(a) Dwellings therein that are substandard, unsafe, unsanitary dilapidated or obsolescent, or are so lacking in light, air or space, as to be conducive to unwholesome living;
(b) Buildings therein that were previously used for commercial, manufacturing or industrial-purposes are no longer being used for such purposes and have been either abandoned or have fallen into such a great state of disrepair as to be untenantable;
(c) Unimproved vacant land therein that has been unimproved for a minimum period of 10 years prior to the date of the resolution as provided in section 1010 of this title herein and is not likely to be developed through private capital by reason of its (1) location, (2) remoteness from developed sections of such Enterprise Zone, (3) lack of means of access to such other parts thereof, (4) topography, or (5) nature of the soil;
(d) Areas that are detrimental to the safety, health, morals, or welfare of the residents of, persons working in, or visitors to the Enterprise Zone because of the existence of buildings that are dilapidated, obsolete, deteriorated, overcrowded, have faulty designs, have inadequate accessibility, lack ventilation, light or sanitary facilities, have excessive land coverage, demonstrate deleterious land use, have an obsolete layout, have a defective or inadequate street layout, or have a combination of these factors;
(e) Potentially useful areas are not properly productive to serve the public health, safety and welfare, in whole or in part, because of title issues, diverse ownership of the real property therein; the existence of properly tax or special assessment delinquencies that exceed the fair market value of the land, or the existence of conditions (including fire hazards) that endanger life or property.
(f) Substantial property tax arrearages exist for commercial or residential structures.
(g) Substantial losses of businesses or jobs have occurred.
(3) “Community” means any neighborhood within the enterprise zone.
(4) “Conservation” means the preservation of an area or section of community and supervision and care of such area or section to prevent the occurrence or spread of conditions of blight.
(5) “Enterprise Zone Business” means any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, proprietorship or other business granted benefits pursuant to this chapter.
(6) “Enterprise Zone Commission” means a public body created pursuant to section 1004 of this title.
(7) “Real property” includes all lands, including improvements and fixtures thereon, and property of any nature appurtenant thereto or sued in connection therewith, and every estate, interest and night, legal or equitable, therein, including terms for years and liens by way of judgment, mortgage or otherwise and the indebtedness secured by such liens.
(8) “Rehabilitation” means the reconstruction, alteration or repair of improvements, structures and buildings, in accordance with the requirements of the Virgin Islands Building Code, and other laws and rules or regulations pertaining to building, fire prevention, health, housing, and zoning and also the use of land, and the use and occupancy of buildings and improvements.
(9) “Resident of the Virgin Islands” means:
(a) any United States citizen currently domiciled in the Virgin Islands for one (1) year or more; or
(b) the holder of an alien registration receipt card (United States Department of Justice Form No. 1–151) domiciled in the Virgin Islands for one (1) year or more.
(i) A person shall demonstrate that he has been a resident for one (1) year or more for the purposes of this chapter using the date of issuance information from a W-2 form, a voter registration card, a permanent resident card, a Virgin Islands driver's license. or other methods as provided by the Economic Zone Commission pursuant to its authority under section 1007(i) of this title hereof.
(c) A person who has attended a school in the Virgin Islands for at least five years or more, or is a graduate of a Virgin Islands high school, or of the University of the Virgin Islands, and is registered to vote in the Virgin Islands.
(10) “Enterprise Zone Commission Staff” means the staff of the Enterprise Zone Commission to assist with the promotion, marketing, and development of enterprises within the Enterprise Zone.
(11) “Commercial Zone” means the total area within the Territory which has been declared a commercial zone pursuant to a proclamation or executive order issued by the Governor or pursuant to a resolution issued by the Enterprise Zone Commission approved by the Governor, and which includes a detail legal description of the area to be included in the specific Commercial Zone.