General Fund and Transportation Fund Balance Reserves

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§ 308c. General Fund and Transportation Fund Balance Reserves

(a) There is hereby created within the General Fund a General Fund Balance Reserve, also known as the "Rainy Day Reserve." After satisfying the requirements of section 308 of this title, and after other reserve requirements have been met, any remaining unreserved and undesignated end of fiscal year General Fund surplus shall be reserved in the General Fund Balance Reserve. The General Fund Balance Reserve shall not exceed five percent of the appropriations from the General Fund for the prior fiscal year without legislative authorization.

(1) [Repealed.]

(2) [Repealed.]

(3) Of the funds that would otherwise be reserved in the General Fund Balance Reserve under this subsection, 50 percent of any such funds shall be reserved as necessary and transferred from the General Fund to the Vermont State Employees' Postemployment Benefits Trust Fund established by 3 V.S.A. § 479a.

(b) Use of General Fund Balance Reserve:

(1) The General Assembly may specifically appropriate the use of up to 50 percent of the amounts added in the prior fiscal year from the General Fund Balance Reserve to fund unforeseen or emergency needs.

(2) If the official State revenue estimates of the Emergency Board for the General Fund, determined under section 305a of this title have been reduced by two percent or more from the estimates determined and assumed for purposes of the general appropriations act or budget adjustment act, funds in the General Fund Balance Reserve may be appropriated to compensate for a reduction of revenues.

(c) There is hereby created within the Transportation Fund a Transportation Fund Balance Reserve. After satisfying the requirements of section 308a of this title, and after other reserve requirements have been met, any remaining unreserved and undesignated end of fiscal year Transportation Fund surplus shall be reserved in the Transportation Fund Balance Reserve. Monies from this Reserve shall be available for appropriation by the General Assembly.

(d) Determination of the amounts of the General Fund and Transportation Fund Balance Reserves shall be made by the Commissioner of Finance and Management and reported, along with the amounts appropriated pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, to the legislative Joint Fiscal Committee at its first meeting following September 1 of each year. (Added 2005, No. 71, § 256; amended 2007, No. 65, § 275; 2009, No. 4, § 96, eff. April 29, 2009; 2011, No. 162 (Adj. Sess.), §§ D.102, D.103.1; 2013, No. 1, § 95, eff. March 7, 2013; 2013, No. 179 (Adj. Sess.), § D.104, eff. June 9, 2014; 2018, No. 11 (Sp. Sess.), § D.107; 2019, No. 6, § 89, eff. April 22, 2019.)

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