2006 Adoption Note.
1963 Jericho, Underhill and Underhill Incorporated school district voted to form a union school district. We were unable to locate a copy of the article on which they voted.
1964 Richmond requested and was granted permission to join the Union District.
1965 Bolton requested and was granted permission to join the Union District.
1967 Huntington requested and was granted permission to join the Union District.
1969 Bolton, Jericho, Underhill, Richmond and Huntington each voted yes to the following article:
To see if the voters of Mt. Mansfield Union High School District #17 will vote to amend its original agreement to include grades five through twelve, effective July 1, 1972, to enable the school directors to propose the construction of two, grades five through eight schools, one located in Richmond and one in the school district of Underhill I.D., as authorized under Title 16 V.S.A. § 706n.