§ 133-305. Appointed officers
(a) The Board of Selectmen may appoint any officers, commissioners, or employees required by the Town's personnel regulations or this charter. All appointments shall require as a precondition a job description.
(b) The Town Manager shall function as the personnel officer of the Town and shall present to the Board of Selectmen members all candidates for Town positions.
(c) All matters relating to the hiring, performance, tenure, discipline, and termination of Town employees shall be controlled by personnel policies and plans to be adopted by the Board of Selectmen.
(d) The Board of Selectmen shall appoint the following officers:
(1) A Public Works Supervisor;
(2) A Health Officer;
(3) One or more fence viewers;
(4) A Tree Warden;
(5) A Zoning Administrator;
(6) A Civil Defense Director;
(7) A representative to the Rutland Solid Waste District (provided the Town is a member);
(8) Planning commissioners;
(9) A representative to the Regional Planning Commission; and
(10) Weigher of Coal, Inspector of Timber, Dog Warden, and Forest Fire Warden.