§ 123-306. Appointed officers
(a) The Board of Selectmen may appoint any officers required by the Town's personnel regulations or this charter.
(b) The Town Manager shall function as the personnel officer of the Town.
(c) The Town Manager shall function as the personnel officer of the Town.
(1) A Zoning Administrator whose powers and duties shall be established by law and by ordinance of the Town.
(2) A Civil Defense Director whose powers and duties shall be established by law.
(3) A Town Service Officer whose powers and duties shall be as established by law.
(4) A Town Recreation Committee.
(5) Planning commissioners/Zoning Board of Adjustment whose powers and duties shall be those established by law.
(6) Representative to the Regional Planning Commission whose powers and duties shall be as those established by law.
(7) Town Energy Coordinator.
(8) Dog Warden.
(9) Pound Keeper.
(10) Health Officer.