Criteria for issuance of permits

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When reviewing an application for a permit to withdraw ground water, or an amendment to a permit, the Board may consider the nature of the proposed beneficial use, the proposed use of alternate or innovative approaches such as aquifer storage and recovery systems and surface and ground water conjunctive uses, climatic cycles, unique requirements for nuclear power stations, economic cycles, population projections, the status of land use and other necessary approvals, and the adoption and implementation of the applicant's water conservation and management plan. In no case shall a permit be issued for more ground water than can be applied to the proposed beneficial use.

When proposed uses of ground water are in conflict or when available supplies of ground water are insufficient for all who desire to use them, preference shall be given to uses for human consumption, over all others.

In evaluating permit applications, the Board shall ensure that the maximum possible safe supply of ground water will be preserved and protected for all other beneficial uses.

In evaluating the available ground water with respect to permit applications for new or expanded withdrawals in the Eastern Virginia or Eastern Shore Groundwater Management Areas, the Board shall use the average of the actual historical ground water usage from the inception of the ground water withdrawals of a political subdivision or authority operating a ground water and surface water conjunctive use system and shall not use the total permit capacity of such system in determining such availability.

1992, c. 812; 1994, cc. 513, 592.

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