In addition to any other tax or fee imposed under the provisions of this chapter, a fee, delineated as the "regional congestion relief fee," is hereby imposed on each deed, instrument, or writing by which lands, tenements, or other realty located in any county or city in a planning district described in this section is sold and is granted, assigned, transferred, or otherwise conveyed to or vested in the purchaser or any other person, by such purchaser's direction. The fee shall be imposed in a planning district established pursuant to Chapter 42 (§ 15.2-4200 et seq.) of Title 15.2 that (i) as of January 1, 2013, has a population of two million or more, as shown by the most recent United States census, has not less than 1.7 million motor vehicles registered therein, and has a total transit ridership of not less than 50 million riders per year across all transit systems within the planning district or (ii) as shown by the most recent United States census meets the population criteria set forth in clause (i) and also meets the vehicle registration and ridership criteria set forth in clause (i). The rate of the fee, when the consideration or value of the interest, whichever is greater, equals or exceeds $100, shall be $0.10 for each $100 or fraction thereof, exclusive of the value of any lien or encumbrance remaining thereon at the time of the sale, whether such lien is assumed or the realty is sold subject to such lien or encumbrance. In any case in which the fee is imposed pursuant to clause (ii) such fee shall be effective beginning on the July 1 immediately following the calendar year in which all of the criteria under such clause have been met.
The fee imposed by this section shall be paid by the grantor, or any person who signs on behalf of the grantor, of any deed, instrument, or writing subject to the fee imposed by this section; however, the grantor and grantee may arrange for the grantee to pay all or a portion of the fee.
No such deed, instrument, or other writing shall be admitted to record unless certification of the clerk wherein first recorded has been affixed thereto that the fee imposed pursuant to this section has been paid.
Fees imposed by this section shall be collected by the clerk of the court and deposited into the state treasury as soon as practicable. Such fees shall then be deposited into special funds established by law. In the case of Planning District 8, the revenue generated and collected therein shall be deposited into the fund established in § 33.2-2509. For additional planning districts that may become subject to this section, funds shall be established by appropriate legislation.
2020, cc. 1230, 1275.