All posts, poles, wires, cables, lines, pipelines, conduits, and other distribution facilities erected under any authority conferred by this chapter shall be so located as in no way to obstruct or interfere with public travel or the ordinary use of, or the safety and convenience of persons traveling through, on, or over, the public roads, turnpikes, streets, avenues, alleys, railroads, or waters in or upon which the same may be erected. All distribution facilities erected as aforesaid shall be placed at such height as provided by regulations of the Commission or the Commonwealth Transportation Board. Buried distribution facilities shall be laid at such distance below the surface of any public road, turnpike, street, avenue, or alley, and at such distance from the outside of any gas or water main or other conduit already laid under such public road, turnpike, street, avenue, or alley, as prescribed by regulations of the Commission or by the Commonwealth Transportation Board. No distribution facilities shall be strung across or laid, nor posts or poles erected, upon the property of any person without first obtaining the consent of the owner thereof. Such distribution facilities shall not damage private property without compensation therefor, nor in any way obstruct the navigation of any stream, or impair or endanger the use thereof by the public or any other person entitled to the use of the same. In consideration of co-locating on existing rights of way, the renewable generator shall meet the respective safety and clearance standards of the public service corporation including the National Electrical Safety Code, the Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act (§ 56-265.14 et seq.), gas pipeline safety standards pursuant to § 56-257.2, and the public service corporation's own safety and clearance standards as the same are communicated to the renewable generator in writing, and any applicable federal laws and regulations.
2009, c. 807, § 67-1109; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.