The Commission shall have power to examine and investigate the business affairs of any person engaged or alleged to be engaged in the business of public adjusting in the Commonwealth to determine whether the person has engaged or is engaging in any violation of this title. The Commission shall have the right to examine all records relating to the business of public adjusting by any such person in the Commonwealth to determine whether the person is now or has been violating any of the provisions of this title. Any licensee under this article or any person purporting to be a licensee under this article or any person whose actions have led any person to believe that he is a licensee under this article who refuses to permit the Commission or any of its employees or agents, including employees of the Bureau of Insurance, to make an examination or who fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this section, may, after notice and an opportunity to be heard, be subject to any of the penalties relating to licensees under this article, as provided in this title, including the termination, denial, suspension, or revocation of his license.
2012, cc. 734, 735; 2019, c. 675.