A. The Department of Medical Assistance Services shall establish an orientation program for all personal care aides who provide self-directed services through the Medicaid program. The program shall have the following requirements:
1. Attendance shall be limited to personal care aides, consumers who utilize the services of personal care aides, home care workers' employers of record, and worker advocacy organizations that represent personal care aides;
2. Orientations shall be held in-person or online at least quarterly, and personal care aides shall be invited and encouraged to attend at least one such orientation per calendar year; and
3. The orientation curriculum shall include content addressing operational procedures and recordkeeping, including pay and benefits; available assistance and resources; roles and responsibilities in self-direction; diversity and equity training; transparency and fraud; and worker rights and responsibilities.
B. The Department of Medical Assistance Services may, in its discretion, contract with another state agency to provide the orientation described in this section.
2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 236.