The Governor shall from time to time examine the organization of all executive agencies and shall determine what changes therein are necessary to:
1. Promote better execution of the laws, the more effective management of the executive branch of state government and of its agencies and functions, and the expeditious administration of the public business;
2. Reduce expenditures and promote economy to the fullest extent consistent with the efficient operation of state government;
3. Increase the efficiency of the operations of state government to the fullest extent practicable;
4. Group, coordinate, and consolidate agencies and functions of state government, as nearly as may be, according to major purposes;
5. Reduce the number of agencies by consolidating those having similar functions under a single head, and to abolish such agencies or functions thereof that are not necessary for the efficient conduct of the state government; and
6. Eliminate overlapping and duplication of effort.
1977, c. 505, § 2.1-8.1; 2001, c. 844.