A. Any locality establishing a tourism improvement district may enact ordinances on any of the following subjects that provide for:
1. Activities and other additional services required for tourism promotion or events or for enhancement of the tourism improvement district;
2. Activities in the tourism improvement district that will fund the promotion of tourism activities in the tourism improvement district, including acquiring, constructing, installing, or maintaining capital improvements;
3. Operating and maintaining any tourism improvement district activity;
4. The charging of fees on all benefited businesses within a tourism improvement district, which shall be charged on the basis of the estimated benefit to such businesses within the tourism improvement district;
5. The classifying of businesses for purposes of determining the benefit to the businesses of the activities provided pursuant to this article;
6. A process for the collection of revenues from fees from benefited businesses; and
7. Forming a tourism improvement district in cooperation with, and that includes, other localities.
B. After establishing a tourism improvement district, a locality shall not decrease the level of publicly funded tourism promotion services in a tourism improvement district existing prior to the creation of such tourism improvement district.
2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 500.