Donating protected wildlife.

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  • (1) A person may only donate protected wildlife or their parts to another person at:
    • (a) the residence of the donor;
    • (b) the residence of the person receiving protected wildlife or their parts;
    • (c) a meat locker;
    • (d) a storage plant;
    • (e) a meat processing facility; or
    • (f) a location authorized by the Wildlife Board in rule, proclamation, or order.
  • (2) A written statement of donation shall be kept with the protected wildlife or parts showing:
    • (a) the number and species of protected wildlife or parts donated;
    • (b) the date of donation;
    • (c) the license or permit number of the donor; and
    • (d) the signature of the donor.
  • (3) Notwithstanding Subsections (1) and (2), a person may donate the hide of a big game animal to another person or organization at any place without a donation slip.

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