Additional requirements for notice of a development impediment hearing.
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(1) a statement that:
(a) a project area is being proposed;
(b) the proposed project area may be determined to have a development impediment;
(c) the record owner of property within the proposed project area has the right to present evidence at the development impediment hearing contesting the existence of a development impediment;
(d) except for a hearing continued under Section 17C-1-803, the agency will notify the record owner of property referred to in Subsection 17C-1-806(1)(b)(i) of each additional public hearing held by the agency concerning the proposed project area before the adoption of the project area plan; and
(e) a person contesting the existence of a development impediment in the proposed project area may appear before the board and show cause why the proposed project area should not be designated as a project area; and
(2) if the agency anticipates acquiring property in an urban renewal project area or a community reinvestment project area by eminent domain, a clear and plain statement that:
(a) the project area plan may require the agency to use eminent domain; and
(b) the proposed use of eminent domain will be discussed at the development impediment hearing.