Penalties -- Notice.

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  • (1) The municipality may, by ordinance, establish civil penalties for violations of any of the provisions of this chapter or of any ordinances adopted under the authority of this chapter.
  • (2) Violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or of any ordinances adopted under the authority of this chapter is punishable as a class C misdemeanor upon conviction either:
    • (a) as a class C misdemeanor; or
    • (b) by imposing the appropriate civil penalty adopted under the authority of this section.
  • (3) Prior to imposing upon an owner of record a civil penalty established by ordinance under authority of this chapter, a municipality shall provide:
    • (a) written notice, by mail or hand delivery, of each ordinance violation to the address of the:
      • (i) owner of record on file in the office of the county recorder; or
      • (ii) person designated, in writing, by the owner of record as the owner's agent for the purpose of receiving notice of an ordinance violation;
    • (b) the owner of record a reasonable opportunity to cure a noticed violation; and
    • (c) a schedule of the civil penalties that may be imposed upon the expiration of a time certain.

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